03-07-2017 21:15:55:1607
Vivo en un planeta donde los hombres resbalan con cáscaras de plátanos, el cielo es azul creo...;
02-07-2017 10:13:38:1954
Relax Rocks
02-07-2017 10:13:33:1349
02-07-2017 10:12:02:1347
Forum Park
14-06-2017 21:20:08:1824
Daily Menu at Somiatruites
14-06-2017 21:19:59:1679
Burning, Rocambolesc
09-06-2017 12:46:33:1357
Opening the city
06-06-2017 22:06:46:1531
San Francisco de Sales
05-06-2017 13:26:02:1141
Mirando al mar soñé...;
03-06-2017 10:23:19:1168
La fiesta de los Coros, la Barceloneta
02-06-2017 13:07:26:1849
if you are not too long , I will wait here for you
01-06-2017 21:32:47:1116
Gran Vía de Carlos III
31-05-2017 20:17:33:1130
Strangers Views
29-05-2017 21:46:55:1153
Morning-Running and Night-reading
28-05-2017 15:50:48:1337
Cursa DiR Guardia Urbana + workout
27-05-2017 22:33:23:963
Cursa Penedès Marítim 10k
27-05-2017 13:33:07:1086
Vegetable Market
26-05-2017 22:05:32:1202
25-05-2017 22:22:23:1281
Arm fall off
23-05-2017 17:37:07:1162
Submarine SA-51 “Barcelona”
22-05-2017 09:30:33:1534
Keep Calm & Burn Calories
21-05-2017 17:29:32:1021
Just do it Sunday
20-05-2017 19:18:26:1154
Sunbathing at the city
19-05-2017 10:07:08:1388
Raquel Meller by Cristian Blanxer & Sendys
14-05-2017 20:07:53:1276
IV Cursa 10k Vilanova i la Geltrú
13-05-2017 12:30:04:423
Running Away
09-05-2017 20:44:12:900
Keep Running
08-05-2017 12:59:36:1288
Myths and Legends
07-05-2017 21:33:01:956
Happy mother’s day
07-05-2017 09:39:23:2229
Cursa Bomberos Barcelona
06-07-2017 19:45:43:1905
14-08-2013 10:12:56:1075
28-01-2013 13:46:46:692
28-10-2017 21:48:16:1439
18-02-2018 17:11:43:1057
07-07-2016 22:29:58:1199
24-06-2014 17:01:27:1518
07-12-2014 19:45:06:2011
01-12-2021 21:57:21:1565